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Is Emmanuella Married?

Is Emmanuella Married?

Emmanuella is a young Nigerian comedian and actress who gained popularity for her appearances in a comedy skit series called “Mark Angel Comedy”.

She was born on July 22, 2010, in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, and started her career in comedy at a very young age.

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Is Emmanuella Married?

Emmanuella rose to fame in 2015 after she appeared in the comedy skit titled “This is Not My Real Face Oh”, which went viral and gained millions of views on YouTube.


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Since then, she has become a household name in Nigeria and beyond, and has won several awards for her acting and comedy skills.

Despite her young age, Emmanuella has inspired many people around the world with her talent and positive attitude.


Is Emmanuella married?

Emmanuella Samuel, the popular Nigerian child comedian, is not married. In fact, she is still very young and has not reached the age of marriage yet. Emmanuella was born on July 22, 2010, which makes her currently just 11 years old.
Emmanuella is single and has never been married or in a relationship. She is still way too young to be dating.

Does Emmanuella have a boyfriend?

Emmanuella doesn’t have a boyfriend

Is Emmanuella dating or wed to Regina Daniels’ husband, Ned Nwoko?


Does Emmanuella have kids?

No Emmanuella does not have kids

Who is Emmanuella now?

Emmanuella is currently a student at Brighton Gate Academy in Port Harcourt, River State in the south southern part of Nigeria, where she combines both her academic and professional career together.